Transports to and from China are becoming more and more popular among Clients of the AsstrA-Associated Traffic AG international transportation and logistics corporate group. Partners from various industries use AsstrA's holistic approach to handling cargo transportation to / from China. The corporate group offers comprehensive services including container bookings and road transport organized via the Gdańsk and Poznań branch offices, respectively. Janusz Buliński, Head of Sea Freight at AsstrA in Gdańsk, talks about the details of several projects the team has implemented.
Industrial machines
One of the most ambitious projects on the China-Poland line was transport of two machines.
"For the needs of a Customer from the processing industry, the cargo was delivered from Shanghai to Gdańsk by sea freight using two flat-rack container platforms: one 20’ and one 40'. From the Polish coast, the goods were transported by road on a low-loader trailer,” explains Janusz Buliński.
“The project took about one and a half months. Five branches of the corporate group were involved in the transport of the oversized cargo with a total weight of about 30 tons: AsstrA Logistics Shanghai coordinated loading in China and contact with the Customer. AsstrA Gdańsk managed the container booking and transshipment in Gdańsk. AsstrA Poznań organized road transport, AsstrA Kuźnica ensured smooth customs clearance, and AsstrA Minsk communicated directly with the Recipient.”

Technological line for wood processing
Another transport project for cargo from China via Poland involved 16 pieces of oversized cargo with widths of up to 4 meters and a combined total weight of about 200 tons.
Janusz Buliński recalls, "From the factory in Shanghai to Gdańsk, the elements of the technological line for wood processing were transported in 4 standard containers. From Poland, the goods were delivered with standard trucks. Our Client from the wood industry benefited from AsstrA’s comprehensive services including sea freight, transport of cargo to an external warehouse, cargo monitoring, unloading, storage, loading, and delivery. It took almost one and a half months to complete the project."
Combine harvester
Companies from the agricultural industry also benefit from the professional transport services to China offered by AsstrA experts.
"Recently, the AsstrA team from Gdańsk successfully organized the transport of a combine harvester from Poznań via Gdańsk to Xingang, China. This one-and-a-half-month project included delivery to the warehouse, reloading to a flat-rack container platform, delivery to the port of Gdańsk, and then sea freight to China," reports the Head of Sea Freight at AsstrA in Gdańsk.
The AsstrA-Associated Traffic AG international transportation and logistics corporate group also offers transport to China via other international ports.