Every company has its own criteria for measuring operational quality. In the AsstrA international corporate group, capacity for growth is one of the most important key performance indicators. And according to this statistical graph of our development during recent years, AsstrA is definitely performing well in this respect. The AsstrA team is constantly improving and looking for new ways to support each client's own growth. Our expanding customer base means more orders placed, more trade routes served, more reliable partners sourced, and more tailored services provided. All of that in turn leads to more customer interest from various global sectors. This reliable and trustworthy teamwork is the driving force of shared progress across the transport and logistics industry.
Loads in the volume from 1 pallet and/or heavier than 500 kg are accepted for transportation. For transportation of cargo with weight of less than 500 kg, use the services of LTL shipments or air freight. AsstrA company does not perform shipments of personal belongings.
*Please note that AsstrA-Associated Traffic AG does not work with individuals and individual entrepreneurs.